Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another passion of mine

Yesterday, a friend of my husband's asked if I could be the 'official' photographer at his 50th birthday celebrations. I was extremely happy to do this as I love being behind the camera and taking photos of things is my way of recording the memories. It helps living in the now as you have photos and dvd's to remind you and you don't have to store the memory in your mind (where over time the image and memory changes anyway).
Taking photos for me is also a fantastic way to observe people. You actually have a reason to do it. I enjoy taking photos of people when they aren't watching you so they are at their most natural and relaxed. Well I took over 250 photos just in one afternoon (the beauty of digital, hey!). And I have now downloaded them onto my laptop, cropped and corrected exposure where necessary and made them into a movie by also adding music and created a dvd. It's the guy's birthday tomorrow so I would love for him to have the dvd for tomorrow so he can watch it with the people who will be celebrating his actual birthday with him.
Thanks for the opportunity to be your official photographer, Fong. I loved it!

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